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Organizing Your Home with SORT and Succeed

Does clutter drive you crazy?
Have you wished those TV organizing shows would visit your house?
Have you ever wished someone would show you a better way to get organized?

You are not alone. Organizing is a hot topic for TV reality shows and a real struggle for individuals and families every day. Books can offer strategies. Videos can offer ideas. But if you need real, practical solutions that are tailored to how you live, work, and think, you can benefit from working with a Certified Professional Organizer®.

This is an interactive workshop with Darla DeMorrow, CPO®, owner of HeartWork Organizing, a best-selling author, international trainer, and business owner for over 15 years. 

Learn how to declutter and organize your home and storage spaces, like your home office, closets, the garage and basement. Learn the 5 steps to organizing any space, even if you hate to organize. Better yet, stop decluttering and learn to stop clutter before it starts. Learn practical tips for dealing with not-so-practical disorganization and those oh-so-troubling emotional ties to your things.